Please fix feral range bug!

#0 - Nov. 24, 2007, 9:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Many druid players, specially the feral ones know about the feral range bug.

This is a couple of videos that illustrate this bug:

What this bug does is prevent you from hitting your target with special attacks, meaning you only hit it with weak auto-attacks.

The reason this happens is due to the quadruped nature of our feral forms, many feral druids that changed their models to a biped version solved this. In fact if you played WoW before the release of TBC you would notice that after consuming a Noggenfogger Elixir and get transformed into a skeleton you would no longer suffer from this issue, because skeleton is a biped form.

We all know what this bug causes, we also know what causes this bug. But what many people don't know is the consequences this bug does to the feral druids, specially tauren feral druids.

Being unable to stalk their pray and kill it as made the all community of cat form taurens into starvation.

Help the cats, we aren't asking for charity.
We all have the ideal that, if you see someone starving, we don't give him food, we give him a fishing rod and teach him how to fish. All we want is this bug fixed, so that we are able to hunt and feed ourselves.

It's the nature of the felines, we hunt for food.

So with all my heart I ask: Please feed the Kitties :'(
#27 - Nov. 26, 2007, 11:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This is not the first time we see a thread on this topic, however a blue-tag is still in order just to let you know that we have read your concerns.

As mentioned above, this is not the first time we see a thread about the range issue, but we would still like you all to know that this has been forwarded to the developers.

#33 - Nov. 26, 2007, 11:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Hello Vaneras,

This is not only about the range bug issue but also the fact that the cat form model for taurens has many clipping bugs and in some areas serious graphical issues (like looking anorexic when you sit down).

Also an issue that has been brought up before, which we have forwarded to the developers. The developers have stated that they like the idea of new graphics and models for the Druid forms, however there are no plans for such in the immediate future.
#44 - Nov. 26, 2007, 1:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I hate to ask, but I hope you'll reply if only to say you can't tell - but does "the immediate future" mean that this probably won't make it for 2.4, or are you saying that WoTLK will hold no graphical upgrades for druids?

I don't like to guess here, because I don't have any specific information available to me at this time regarding this matter, but it is possible that we won't get to see any major graphical updates or changes before WoTLK... But I am just guessing here after all, so I might very well be wrong on this.

We will try to see if we can get some more feedback on this from the developers, but since this is a very busy season for them, we cannot guarantee that we will get to hear something at any time soon.
#46 - Nov. 26, 2007, 1:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Being a CM is a thankless job. Most people never got the term "Don't shoot the messenger". Just wanted to let you know that some of us are happy you are here =)

No worries mate... I wouldn't be here if I couldn't take it ;-)
#130 - Dec. 10, 2007, 4:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey guys. Here is some feedback to some of the issues raised in this thread:

The Tauren character model has a larger attack range than other humanoid models; the feral form models do not benefit from this as the feral form is no longer a Tauren. Simply put: when you shapeshift to a smaller form (feral), you will need to get closer in order to attack – this is not a bug.

The druid in the second video appears to be affected by latency and in a chase scenario even the smallest increase in latency can greatly affect the situation.

We also received a video ( which shows auto-attacks hitting a target which is behind the player, but the special abilities do not. This was investigated and it was discovered that the ‘target is in front’ check for abilities is much more thorough than the standard auto-attack. This applies to all classes.