Can't leave BG queue with AcceptBattlefieldPort(1, 0)?

#1 - April 27, 2011, 9:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm working on an addon that is supposed to leave a battleground queue for me, but when my addon calls AcceptBattlefieldPort(1, 0) I'm told that the call requires a hardware event. This is contrary to the documentation for this function at and which both state that you should be allowed to leave a battleground queue without an hardware event.
Is this documentation outdated/wrong, or am I using the function wrong somehow?
If it is working as intended, why aren't addons allowed to leave battleground queues? Join I fully understand why shouldn't be allowed, but leave?

Note: You are allowed to leave BG queue with this function if you call it through a macro or run it as a command, calling the function after an event in an addon does not seem to work, though.
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#10 - April 29, 2011, 5:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Sorry Haedus, this function was being abused a while ago by bots. So, as part of our ongoing effort to reduce cheats in the game, that function had to be restricted. :-(
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#20 - May 2, 2011, 2:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Basically there were several tricky things bots could do with entering & leaving queues.

Hi there Wryxian.
If I got it right, you were allowed to use the function to enter battlegrounds before, and then it was indeed trivial to make an addon to automatically join and leech honor points. However, judging from the documentation on wowpedia and wowprogramming, it seems like it at some point was possible to still leave the queue without hardware event, but not enter. So I guess my question then would be why it was changed (unless of course wowpedia and wowprogramming got it wrong all along, and that both entering and leaving got restricted at the same time), because I don't see how leaving a queue could be abused by bots.
Oh well, it doesn't really matter, thanks anyway :)