Old Wow

#1 - April 8, 2011, 11:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
ok, sorry to bring this up.

I used to play wow in 2005-2006 and it was capped at lvl 60. Back in the day was so much better than now. I feel current wow is now too easy, and a lot of the complexities erased for the ease of the less intelligent.

No more 40 man raids (yes they were hard to coordinate, but that was what made it challenging and fun and rewarding)

No more Class specialization... remember when you needed a dwarf priest just for Fear ward. Now any 5 paladins can do a group run and complete the instance.

No more ammo....this seems to be for those who couldn't remember to bring arrows or bullets...making it easy...

Rep easier to get... remember when you would grind something for months and finally get the item...you were one in 5 on the server with the item. Now anyone if they spend two hours can get what everyone else has. I am hardcore...I want something I spend a lot of time at and no one else has.

I guess what I am saying, is the game is much easier and it is sad to see what I would put so much time into (doing calculations, finding groups, having pride in what I did) is no longer in the game. I wonder if Blizzard will ever put challenge back into the game...maybe make an expansion that is like the old days. (maybe just one 40 man raid with uber epic gear... or one class that has a real purpose in the game again).

Thanks for hearing me out,


Let me know what I have left out that you remember and wish was back, even if it was not easy. Too many people want something for nothing and they should not necessarily get it just cause they wined. Doesn't make the game fun.
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#9 - April 9, 2011, 12:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I understand and respect gaming masochism. But, I think that changing mechanics to be more reasonable and less punishing is an improvement, not a detriment, to games in general. Many of us Original Gamers pine for the days of D&D-based yore when games were seemingly intended to break us down into sobbing masses created by an uncaring necromancer of pain and suffering, or at least didn't try to avoid it. Overcoming all of the obstacles (I CHOOSE NOT TO SHOOT HER WITH THE SILVER ARROW... NOOOOO) was a big part of what gaming (I HAVE 1 LIFE!?), and especially PC gaming (HOW DO I LOAD MOUSE DRIVERS?), were about. But, I feel we're lucky to now be in an age where those ideals (intended or not) are giving way to actual fun, actual challenge, and not fabricating it through high-reach requirements (I NEED A FAIRY MONK WITH A MAGIC LOCKPICK?).

What we've always been trying to do, what WoW has always been about (and to which much of its success is due) is to make an accessible MMO. Anyone that looks back at the game at launch and wishes it was as challenging now as it was then is not aware of the painstaking effort put into making this game accessible as compared to its predecessors. Since release we've refined that intent, eventually evolving the very few masochistic designs WoW actually ever started with, but ideally still offering those same prestige goals that give that feeling of achieving something great if you're able to pull it off. We've made a lot of progress toward striking that balance and continuing to evolve the game, but it's not something we're ever likely to perfect, and we'll be constantly working to hit that elusive goal. Hopefully it's to the benefit of everyone playing and enjoying the game, and they'll continue to enjoy the journey that a living, breathing, persistent universe will take us on.
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#490 - April 12, 2011, 9:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/08/2011 07:03 PMPosted by Jeinathil

Are you referring to Shadowgate for the NES?!?!?!

Haha. Yes.