Easy to miss quests

#0 - Dec. 5, 2006, 8:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Ok, i found this on the US-board, and i figured we could use this too.
All credits go to Baff who made this:

((WARNING: Lots of spoilers below))

Looking for quests that you missed, just because you have to do them ALL? This is the place for you!

Thanks to Tweedles for starting this and many others for adding to it.

The number given is the level of the quest, the number in () is the minimum level to start the quest.

The location is where the quest shows up in the Quest Log, which is not always where the quest starts.

Quests for Both Factions:

Level 16 (11): "Captain Sander's Treasure Map" - Westfall

Starts from a map that drops from murlocs http://thottbot.com/?qu=136

Level 16-20 (10-15): Captain Grayson's quests - Westfall

He is at the lighthouse SW http://www.thottbot.com/?n=675916

Level 17 (13): "Deviate Hides" - Wailing Caverns

Gotten in a small cave above Wailing Caverns, slightly tricky to get to. http://thottbot.com/?qu=1486

Level 21-27 (16-18): Ziz Fizzik's quests - Stonetalon Mts

In a hut SW of Windshear Crag http://www.thottbot.com/?n=4000

Level 30 (22): "A Fine Mess" - Gnomeregan

Escort quest. Starts randomly in one of the rooms near where the non-hostile alarm bot is. http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=2904

Level 33-38 (30): Azore Aldamort's quests - Desolace

Just north of tower overlooking the ocean. Aside from 1 BFD quest, the only Argent Dawn rep before level 50. http://www.thottbot.com/?n=19221

Level 35 (30): "Crystal in the Mountains" - Arathi Highlands

Necklace drops off level 30-40 creatures all over. The necklace is wearable and you get to keep it after doing the quest, though it has no vendor value. http://thottbot.com/?qu=635

Level 35 (30): Magtoor's quests - Swamp of Sorrows

He has a quest, and also a wandering creature drops an item that leads to him. http://www.thottbot.com/?n=14341

Level 35 (30): 'Swamp Eye' Jarl's quests - Dustwallow Marsh

His house is a on the right side of road a ways out of Theramore. Bring 3 soothing spices with you. http://www.thottbot.com/?n=5346

Level 36 (30): "Claim Rackmore's Treasure!" - Desolace

Starts at a book among some wreckage on the shore, next to a chest for an Alliance quest http://thottbot.com/?qu=6161

Level 37 (?): "Stinky's Escape" - Dustwallow Marsh

Escort quest, north of North Point Tower. http://thottbot.com/?qu=1270

Level 38 (?): "Gizelton Caravan" - Desolace

This is a quest to escort a caravan along the road. You can do this quest 3 times at 3 different spots along the road. His bots (http://thottbot.com/?n=94036 http://thottbot.com/?n=95337) also sell some hard to find recipes between escorts. http://thottbot.com/?qu=5943

Level 38 (35): "Galen's Escape" - Swamp of Sorrows

He is in a cage on the east side of the hostile Draenai camp http://thottbot.com/?qu=1393

Level 39 (34): "Get Me Out of Here!" - Desolace

She is in a basket next to a tent in north part of Maraudon camp http://thottbot.com/?qu=6132

Level 39 (34): "Ghost-o-plasm Round Up" - Desolace

Good to do while doing the SM prep quest. http://thottbot.com/?qu=6134

Level 40 (35): Pirate Cove quests - Arathi Highlands

Several quests hidden back in this cove. You can see the boat when you fly north to Southshore. http://www.thottbot.com/?n=7735

Level 40 (35): "The Black Box" - Badlands

Kill the bird Zaricotl in Badlands to start this quest. http://thottbot.com/?qu=-81 http://thottbot.com/?qu=3482

Level 42 (39): "Shadowshard Fragments" - Maraudon

Starts at the top of the tower in Theramore for Alliance (If you don't see Tervosh there, wait a few minutes, he should be back soon). From Orgrimmar mage trainer for Horde. http://thottbot.com/?qu=7070 http://thottbot.com/?qu=7068

Level 43 (37): "Cortellos Riddle" - STV

Starts from a scroll picked up in the ships off the southern tip of STV. It can be in any of the 3 ships. http://thottbot.com/?qu=624

Level 45 (40): "Ship Schedules" - Tanaris

Starts from item from the footlockers that drop off pirates. http://thottbot.com/?qu=2876

Level 45 (43): "Caught!" - Searing Gorge

Starts at an outhouse in SE Searing Gorge http://thottbot.com/?qu=4449

Level 45 (43): "Cuergo's Gold" - Tanaris

Need to collect 3 pieces of a map from pirate footlockers and combine them. http://thottbot.com/?qu=2882

Level 45 (45): "Message in a Bottle" - STV

Open bottles on beach east of Booty bay till you find quest, then swim over to the island. http://thottbot.com/?qu=594

Level 47 (43): "The Key to Freedom" - Searing Gorge

Searing Gorge outhouse quest http://thottbot.com/?qu=4451

Level 48 (39): "The Pariahs Instructions" - Desolace

He wanders south of Mannoroc Coven http://thottbot.com/?qu=7067

Level 50 (36): "The Monogrammed Sash" - STV

Kill the screaming giant on the island with the huge goblin statue on it. You will get the item to start this quest. http://thottbot.com/?qu=620

Level 50 (46): "Tooga's Quest" - Tanaris

Escort quest. He wanders around SW Tanaris. He follows you, so you can mount up and lead him fairly fast across the desert. Just be sure to not get too far ahead. http://thottbot.com/?qu=1560

Level 50 (48): "Williden's Journal" - Un'Goro

Starts from a book that drops off just about any creature in Un'Goro. http://thottbot.com/?qu=3884

Level 52 (47): "It's a Secret to Everybody" - UnGoro

AKA 'The Zelda Quest' Starts at a wrecked boat not far from Un'Goro entrance. Very long questline. http://thottbot.com/?qu=3844

Level 52 (50): Better Late Than Never - WPL

Starts in the Felstone farmhouse. http://thottbot.com/?qu=5021

Level 53 (43): Jammal'an the Prophet - Sunken Temple

Starts at Atal'ai Exile in Shadra'Alor in Hinterlands and goes to Sunken Temple http://thottbot.com/?qu=1446

Level 53 (47): Kim'jael Indeed! - Ashara

He is at the top of a large hill in northern Azshara, near a satyr camp. http://thottbot.com/?qu=3601

Level 54 (51): "The Wildlife Suffers, Too" - WPL

Starts at a dying Tauran in a house at Writhing Haunt Farm http://thottbot.com/?qu=4984

Level 54 (52): "A Taste of Flames" - Burning Steppes

Can use the molt from the main Searing Gorge quest, or he will summon a drake to be killed. http://thottbot.com/?qu=4023

Level 55 (48): "Essence of Eranikus" - Swamp of Sorrows

Starts after killing the final boss dragon in Sunken Temple. Goes several steps, then questline dead-ends. http://thottbot.com/?qu=3373

Level 55 (49): "Volcanic Activity" - Un'Goro

The questgiver is in a house in Ratchet in The Barrens. http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=4502

Level 55 (50): "Augustus' Receipt Book" - EPL

Starts in a house in Terrordale. Same house as Egan. http://thottbot.com/?qu=6164

Level 55 (51): "Finding the Source" - Un'Goro

Starts at a goblin on the west side of Un'Goro http://thottbot.com/?qu=974

Level 55 (52): "Mrs. Dalson's Diary" - WPL

Starts at a book on the floor of the Dalson barn. http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?wquest=5058

Level 56 (50): "Unfinished Business" - WPL

She is down a gully east of the lumber mill in north WPL http://thottbot.com/?qu=6004

Level 56-60 (52-57): Tirion Fordring's quests - EPL

He is next to the river on the northern west side of EPL. Long questline, eventually leads to Stratholme and beyond. Nice rewards. http://www.thottbot.com/?n=616782

Level 57 (50): "You are Rahk'likh, Demon" - Blasted Lands

For Alliance starts at top of Nethergarde tower. For Horde starts at Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands border. Very long questline. http://thottbot.com/?qu=2783

Level 57 (48): "A Crew Under Fire" - Ashara

At the bottom of southern Azshara cliffs, not too far from engineering vendor. Broken quest, has never worked properly http://thottbot.com/?qu=3382

Level 57 (55): "Stormers and Rumblers" - Azshara

Questline starts from a water elemental lord on an island in SE Azshara. It eventually leads to Molten Core. There are faction requirements for some of the quests. http://thottbot.com/?qu=6805

Level 58 (46): "The Lost Tablets of Mosharu" - EPL

Its a follow up to the Hakkar egg quest in Sunken Temple, you get it from a dwarf in Steamwheedle, it leads to EPL for 2 tablets, then back to steamwheedle, then the next quest goes to LBRS (can only be done 5-man), then talk to a troll nearish the dwarf to get a nice cloak reward. http://thottbot.com/?qu=5065

Level 60 (10): "Your Fortune Awaits You..." - Darkmoon Faire

4 quests that can start from Sayge's Fortunes http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=7937 http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=7938 http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=7944 http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=7945

Level 60 (50): "Corruption" - Blacksmithing

Starts in Winterspring, get item in UBRS, back to Winterspring http://thottbot.com/?qu=5307

Level 60 (58): "Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter" - Silithus

Letter drops off any of the bugs in Silithus, including the non-elites from killing the druids. Easy 8300 exp if you aren't 60 yet. http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=8308

Level 60 (58): "Hot Fiery Death" - Blacksmithing

Starts at a corpse near lava in LBRS, then to Winterspring http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=5103

Level 60 (60): "Nat's Measuring Tape" - Zul Gurub

Starts from clicking on a battered tackle box http://thottbot.com/?qu=8227
#7 - Dec. 5, 2006, 3:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Nice list indeed... Stickied :-)