Phasing ..a huge mistake

#1 - Feb. 1, 2011, 1:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The Phasing used in Icecrown and transfered to the new Cataclysm zones is a terrible idea . Once through the quests in an area a player is no longer able to aid guild members who haven't done those quests yet. This forces members to look outside the guild for help and is another negative impact on guilds. I for one find it very frustrating as a guild leader not to be able to come to the aid of our members. I don't know what the reasoning is behind this system but I certainly would appreciate Blizzard's removing phasing from these zones.

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#35 - March 11, 2011, 10:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
01/31/2011 5:12 PMPosted by Rommel
There aren't very many quests that you have to have somebody else with you to complete anymore.

This is the sort of philosophy we're going for with phasing, as we do feel it's an important tool for storytelling. We do recognize issues where we've "over-phased" zones in the past though, and we generally tried to take a more minimal approach to phasing in Cataclysm. While there is still a good deal of phasing involved in many of the zones, we tried to make each phase a little more intricate and less intrusive on group gameplay. We want to make sure that, in times when a group is required, phasing doesn't hold you back from grouping with friends.

I said a variant of "phase" in every sentence. You're welcome. :p

*cough* phase *cough*
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#40 - March 11, 2011, 10:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Can something be done about the phased ore/herbs please?

Such a tease, Blizzard.

It is an issue we're aware of and having been looking into. We've applied a number of hotfixes to phased gathering nodes since the release of Cataclysm, but this one is still there and is certainly a bugger.
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#42 - March 11, 2011, 10:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
03/11/2011 2:45 PMPosted by Shargaas
Right on. Respond to legitimate customer concerns with jokes. Guess what, nothing is funny coming from you people anymore.

I'll be sure to check my personality at the door when discussing a game? Stay on topic. There's an email address for leaving feedback regarding Blizzard interaction on, and management of, the forums:
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#99 - March 12, 2011, 1:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post

It is an issue we're aware of and having been looking into. We've applied a number of hotfixes to phased gathering nodes since the release of Cataclysm, but this one is still there and is certainly a bugger.

Pshaw. I'm convinced you guys did this on purpose, and sit around the office watching people trying to farm and laugh at them, while surreptitiously drinking whiskey from your hip flasks.

"Hey watch this guy! It's it's not! It's it's not!" ::maniacal laugh::

Hehe. No, no. I've flown down to plenty of mining nodes in my day only to have them disappear, particularly while doing the Therazane dailies. I shake my head and tear up a little.

While we're on this topic, I want to point you all to a recent blog on our front page about Cataclysm quest mechanics. Our quest design team is actively following the comments for feedback about quest design, phasing included. Feel free to let us know your ideas for ways we can improve the questing and storytelling experience without impeding on your gameplay. Or just let us know what works for you and what doesn't. ;)