Lore - The Titans ...

#0 - March 21, 2007, 5:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The Titans arrived to Azeroth 147,000 years ago during their journey to bring Order to chaos through the universe. The Titans are ruled by a council named The Pantheon. However, not many fans know the names of the Pantheon members:

- Aman'Thul the Highfather
- Eonar the Lifebinder
- Golganneth the Thunderer
- Khaz'Goroth the Shaper
- Norgannon the Dreamweaver
- Aggramar the Avenger

When coming to Azeroth, they found the evil Old gods and their Lieutenant worshipers:
- Therazane (Earth)
- Ragnaros (Fire)
- Al'Akir (Wind)
- Neptulon (Water) and their respective elementals.

Note: Few fans have confused Ragnaros to be an Old god. This is wrong. Ragnaros was a Lieutenant of the Old gods. The Elementals worshipped the Old gods.

The Titans and the Old gods and their forces battled to the end. Two Old gods fell ... or so was thought ... one was killed at the Master's Glaive in Darkshore, and another Old god named C'thun fell in Silithus. However, C'Thun was not quietly dead. To read the story of C'Thun go here:

On the same link above you can read that Un'Goro was the landing site of the Titans.

The other three Old gods were imprisoned deep under the surface of Azeroth. Chained for eternity.
Reference here:

The Titans created three bases in Azeroth after landing on what we know as Un'Goro Crater.
- Uldaman - located in Badlands
- Uldum - located in southern Tanaris
- Ulduar - located at the Stormpeaks of Northrend

For references of the Titan bases:

Uldaman - read what the Watcher of Norgannon named Archaedas says about the Titans and the origin of the Dwarves and Troggs:

Once you complete the Uldaman dungeon and defeat Archaedas, you get access to the Treasure room where you talk to the hologram of a watcher golem. He gives you a copy of the Coins of Uldaman. After delivering it to either Explorer's Guid or Thunderbluff, you are given the coins of Uldaman and asked to go to Tanaris to bring the coins to Uldum.

If you explore thoroughfully the Valley of Watchers, you will see a hologram pad on the left corner. If you bring the coins of Uldaman, you can activate the pad and the watcher's hologram will ask you for the Uldum coins set. You need both the Uldaman and Uldum coins keychain to enter Uldum. It is a research/experiment facility of the Titans.

What may be relevant to know is that the hologram states Azeroth has been scheduled for .... Revisitation of the Titans. At some points the Titans will return to Azeroth.

Are we going to fight the Titans? Will we help them defeat the Old gods?

I would rather not fight a Titan, but it would be cool if the Titans were NPCs assisting us to kill the Old gods if they were freed from their prison.

For further info about the Titan members of the Pantheon read here:

That is merely a summary. You can read the Blizzard-licensed Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light book from page 107-124 for thorough details of the Titans. Your best source for everything Warcraft are Blizzard's novels and RPG Books.
#4 - March 21, 2007, 6:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I agree. Titans do, in fact, rule.
#15 - March 21, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So the titans came along and wrecked the planet of the old gods, killed one, sealed the rest in the ground, and planted the seeds for azeroth's many warring factions and destruction?

Sounds to me like the titans are the bad guys.

Tough love. Titans employ tough love.

Right, Freckles? :P