
#0 - Sept. 13, 2007, 1:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey, wouldn't be surprised if this has been brought up before, but here goes;

Have you ever thought of the idea of adding surnames to the game. There would probably be loads of reasons why you should, and why you shouldn't. The first issue would probably be profanity, it would be hard to filter the combination of character name if added with a surname.

One thing's for sure, it would be a cool option for customizing your character further!
#8 - Sept. 13, 2007, 6:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hey, wouldn't be surprised if this has been brought up before, but here goes;

Have you ever thought of the idea of adding surnames to the game. There would probably be loads of reasons why you should, and why you shouldn't. The first issue would probably be profanity, it would be hard to filter the combination of character name if added with a surname.

The developers would very much like to add surnames to the game at some point in the future, but there are no immediate plans for this on schedule.

Q u o t e:
One thing's for sure, it would be a cool option for customizing your character further!

It would be cool indeed :-)

#12 - Sept. 13, 2007, 7:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I'd like to see surnames implemented, but I wouldn't like to be able to pick it myself. I think surnames should be something you earn through quests in game, and the like. Something like a title. Complete a quest chain that involves slaying some kind of dragon, and get the surname "Dragonsbane" or something unlocked for your character. That kind of thing.

That sounds more like a title than a surname :-)
#15 - Sept. 13, 2007, 7:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Don't you think people will abuse it Vaneras?


Double the space for names, so....

Warlocksare Sooverpowered


I am sure that someone will try to abuse it since it is human nature to test boundaries after all :-)

But the example you give here is something that can already be done with the current naming system. I have seen my share of characters named stuff like "Nerfwarlocks", "Iamopeed","BuffPaladins","Ihateclos" etc. etc... You get the picture :-)