#1 - Feb. 3, 2011, 1:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Almost everyone has already heard about it: the horrors of your account being hacked. It may have happened to family members, friends, or even yourself! Getting your account back might be easy enough but as the old saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’, and a Battle.net Authenticator is a great form of prevention!

The Authenticator comes in two forms: the Battle.net Authenticator – a physical token which you can add to your keychain or just leave at home next to your PC – and the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator – an app that can be obtained for the iPhone / iPod touch, Android phones and a variety of Java-enabled cellphones.

So what exactly does this little piece of technology do? Will it really help protect your account so that you can finally enjoy a good night’s rest, safe in the knowledge that your gold and epics are secure? While nothing is foolproof, the Authenticator adds an additional layer of security to your account. Once attached to your account you will be prompted to enter a unique, single-use code generated by the Authenticator each time you log into World of Warcraft—in addition to your regular password.

You’ll only need one Authenticator for each Battle.net account, so you can protect several World of Warcraft accounts registered to the same Battle.net account with a single Authenticator. To make things even better you’ll receive an adorable little Corehound Pup companion pet, who will only make the journey to your mailbox when it feels that your account is a safe place to live.

If you feel like you’re a pro when it comes to defending your account against danger then head over to the "The Guardian of Accounts Art Contest".

For more information on the Battle.net Authenticator and account security in general please visit our account security page.