Easier 310% Mounts in Wrath?

#0 - July 28, 2008, 1:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
My 280% speed is feeling a little sluggish. Will 310% speed mounts be more readily available to non-Basement Dwellers in Northrend?
#16 - July 28, 2008, 3:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
My 280% speed is feeling a little sluggish. Will 310% speed mounts be more readily available to non-Basement Dwellers in Northrend?

We're not planning to increase the speed on mounts at this point in time. You'll just have to ride along with the "basement dwellers".
#28 - July 28, 2008, 3:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
If you'll refer to my post on page 1 comparing the movement speeds, I think you'll realize it's very unfair to not give casuals ANY way at all to earn a faster mount. I don't want to sound demanding or whiny, but it's a huge speed bonus.
As I said, it's equivalent to me being stuck with a level 40 mount at level 60.

Everyone has a way to earn the money for faster mounts. It may take some longer than others, but the opportunity is there for everyone.
#47 - July 28, 2008, 4:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Sorry Neth, I didn't mean normal epic flying mounts. I have several across my characters.

I mean a faster epic flying mount. A "hardcore" player with Kael's mount or an arena mount can be 40% faster than me. When I'm on my epic flying mount.

It is impossible to buy a 310% mount (unless you cheat and buy arena ratings, and please don't drive us to that). And again I have to stress, 40% is a gigantic speed bonus. That's the difference between lvl 40 and 60 ground mounts.

No worries. I need caffeine myself. ;)

While I understand what you're saying, remember, not everyone has those, and while that may seem unfair, there has to be some additional benefit for going that extra distance to get those mounts. I'm not on a super speed mount myself, and I get where I'm going well enough.

I'm not trying to downplay your concern, but what exactly would having that extra speed do for you? If you just want to travel around faster and are worried about traveling in Wrath of the Lich King, I can assure you, there are many ways to get around the land and world that will still give you that feeling of having traveled the world, without it being painful. If it seems painful, then yes we want to know about what specifically is an issue so that we can take a good look at it and find a way to alleviate it.

While it may seem obvious to bump up mount speeds, that doesn't really address issues that people may be experiencing. It's just going to make everyone go that much faster.