Is 490 Defense (540) Really necessary?

#0 - Oct. 30, 2008, 9:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have always been under the assumption that you needed 490 Defense to become Uncritable / Uncrushable(With the old shield block) . But now that the mechanics have changed, what would be the problem with adding resilience to the equation. So long as your chance to be critically hit was -5.54% total.

#29 - Oct. 30, 2008, 10:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Tanks generally strive to be not receive critical hits from bosses. I suspect that will continue to be the case. However, in the absence of crushing blow from bosses, it may be slightly less important than before.

The nightmare scenario for a tank pre-LK was having too many hits land at once such that the healers could not keep up. A crit followed by a crushing blow and perhaps a big special attack could do multiple thousands of damage almost instantly and drop a tank from 100% to little bits before heals could land.

A string of crits will still destroy a tank, but it's a slightly less scary proposition now.

Does having a 1% chance to be crit by a boss make it impossible for you to tank a raid? Probably, but it will be interesting to see for sure.