Every Holy Paladin on live should be...

#0 - Nov. 7, 2008, 12:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
... Glad that they could never use Sheath. Because if you could of and they moved it out of your reach to where it is now you would have thrown up IRL.


I am so thankful that Blizzard realizied that EVERY holy paladin would have taken it to be a fantastic Healer in beta and moved it before live just so you all didnt have to be able to use it and then loose it.

I was toying around with a sheath build this week and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT for healing. But since they moved it to exactly where it is now you lose too many healing talents to get it.

Thanks to Blizzard for sparing the feeling of all the Holy paladin out there. You guys are the best.

/sarcasm off
#3 - Nov. 7, 2008, 1:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You know, we actually can look to see what specs people are using. :)

Sheathe was designed to let Ret make use of the fact that, yanno, the spec actually is part of a healing class. But we can totally understand why a talent designed for someone with low healing stats that isn't healing a lot would be attractive to someone with high healing stats that did heal a lot.