Nerf Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter

#0 - Jan. 3, 2010, 5:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This weapon does around 250 dps more than other ilvl 258 2h weapons, and that extra dps comes from a proc that STEALS LIFE from opponents...

Bottom line: what the heck were you thinking? This better not be around at the start of the next arena season in its current form.
#85 - Jan. 4, 2010, 9:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We're happy with Bryntroll for now. We'll see when the heroic version gets out there.

If anything, the other weapon procs need to be closer to this level.

Also note that Shadow's Edge isn't necessarily designed to be the ultimate weapon available, given that acquiring one might not require anything more than having a large bank account to swing around. If heroic Bryntroll proved better than Shadowmourne, that might be a bigger issue, but I'm a little skeptical that will be the case.
#184 - Jan. 8, 2010, 12:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We have found a bug with Bryntroll where it procs too often for Retribution paladins or Unholy DKs. For example both portions of Scourge Strike could cause a proc, which is unintended.

Bryntroll seems to account for about ~3-4% of dps for a typical Icecrown Fury warrior. That's more of where it should be for other melee.